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School & Worksite Site Leaders

Elementary Schools

Alachua (386) 462-1841

 Felicia Hanley (teacher) and Shirley Evans (esp)


Archer (352) 495-2111

Kim Estevez (senior teacher site leader), Marlene Bennett (teacher), and Brandi Walls (esp)


Chiles (352) 333-2825
Katherine Martin Gueimunde (teacher) and Eliza Gray (esp)


Foster (352) 955-6706
Sherry Scoville (teacher) and Anne Bonneville (esp)


Glen Springs (352) 955-6708
Sarah Poe (teacher), Kim Hampton (teacher), Jeanne Diehl (teacher) Laura Butler (esp)


Hidden Oak (352) 333-2801
Shawnna Batie (teacher) and Sandra Watson (esp)


High Springs (386) 454-1958
Candice Walker (teacher) and Renorda Taylor (esp)


Idylwild (352) 955-6709

Charles Johnson (teacher) and Eric Lopez (esp), and Karazaira (Kerry) Florence (esp)


Irby (386) 462-5002
Shernee Bellamy (teacher) and Jacquelyn Turner (esp)


Lake Forest (352) 955-6710
Stephanie Schmidt (teacher rep.) and Vacant (esp)


Littlewood (352) 955-6712
Kelly Moore (teacher) and Donna Turner (esp)


Meadowbrook (352) 333-2828
Eleanor Turner (teacher) and Cherry Lewis (esp)


Metcalfe (352) 955-6713

Lisa Modola (teacher) and Judy King (esp)


Newberry (352) 472-1100
Annette (Mary) Short (senior teacher site leader), Debbie Alessi (teacher), and Vacant (esp)


Norton (352) 955-6765
Karen Melvin (teacher), Amy Bliss (teacher), and Genevieve Dickens (esp)


Parker (352) 955-6705

Lynda Harris (teacher) and Martha Horter (esp)


Rawlings (352) 955-6715
Don Devito (teacher) and Bridgett Clark (esp)


Shell (352) 481-1901
Vacant (teacher), and Kelly Masciale (esp)


Talbot (352) 955-6716
Elizabeth Burt (teacher), Becky Fields (teacher), Ray Fayson (esp) and Alicia Gilchrist (esp)


Terwilliger (352) 955-6717
Marcy Hoopaugh (senior teacher site leader), and vacant (esp) 


Wiles (352) 955-6955
Catherine Taber Olensky (teacher) and Emma Wilding (esp)


Williams (352) 955-6719
Vacant (teacher), Brigette Hart Sams (esp)


Middle Schools

Bishop (352) 955-6701
Teresa Cornelison (teacher) and Annalisa Scott (esp)


Fort Clarke (352) 333-2800
Vacant (teacher) and Tameka Rollins (esp)


Kanapaha (352) 955-6960
Megan Lamon (teacher) and Vacant (esp)


Lincoln (352) 955-6711
Todd Eckstein (teacher) and Courtney Middleton (esp)


Mebane (386) 462-1648
Lisa Bailey (teacher) and Sean Dougherty (esp)


Oak View (352) 472-1102
Vacant (teacher) and Vacant (esp)


Westwood (352) 955-6718
David Dixson (senior teacher site leader) and Lesley Freeman (esp)


High Schools

Buchholz (352) 955-6702

Kendra Vincent (teacher), Dr. Michael Raburn (teacher), and Domonique Boykin (esp)


Eastside (352) 955-6704
Lamonica Davis (teacher), Lillie Singleton (esp) and LaRonda Ivey

(senior esp rep)


Gainesville (352) 955-6707

Sadie Matteucci (teacher) and Leslie Brown (esp)


Hawthorne (352) 481-1900

Annette Verschaeve (teacher), Jessica Rockstein (teacher), and Angela Wright (esp)


Loften (352) 955-6839

Chris Pearl (teacher) and Christa Mosley (esp)


Newberry High (352) 472-1101
Aisha Yarn (teacher) and Erika Wilcox (esp)


Santa Fe (386) 462-1125
Todd Gray (teacher) and Joseph Hayes (esp)


Center Schools

Alachua eSchool

Vacant (teacher) and Asia Williams (esp)


Fearnside (352) 955-6875
Vacant (teacher), and Vacant (esp)


A. Quinn Jones (352) 955-6840
Lissa Montmarquette (teacher) and Tanya Williams-Johnson (esp)


Sidney Lanier (352) 955-6841
Melanie Peters (teacher) and Develyn Smith (esp)



Camp Crystal (855) 651-2267






Clarissa George (esp)


Instructional Technology (Sivia)
Denise DeClair (instructional), Vacant (esp)


Manning Center (352) 955-7671



P.K. Yonge

Christina Peters (esp)


Title 1 Migrant

Shirley Basel (esp)


Transportation Compound (352) 955-7750
Mary Vinson Fayson 


Transportation (Hawthorne)
Noemi Gonzalez


Transportation (Newberry)
Daniel Lucas


Transportation (Archer)


Transportation (Santa Fe)

Nancy Mason 


Transportation (Mechanics)


Maintenance & Operations (352) 955-7752


Retirees (TRACE)
Sandy Stephenson

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